Relieve Postpartum Dryness and Return to Sex After Pregnancy

Postpartum Dryness and Return to Sex After Pregnancy

Relieve Postpartum Dryness and Return to Sex After Pregnancy

It seems there are a million things no one told you about pregnancy and giving birth. Postpartum dry skin down there is common after childbirth but may come as a surprise to many women. You need to know about Replens Long-Lasting Vaginal Moisturizer so you can replenish your natural vaginal moisture, making intimacy more enjoyable. 

Postpartum Vaginal Dry Skin is Common But You Don’t Have to Suffer

After giving birth, your body stops producing large amounts of estrogen and progesterone. This sudden drop in hormones can lead to dry skin anywhere on your body, including your vulva and vagina.

Many women deal with postpartum dryness down there, which can make sex after childbirth undesirable or uncomfortable. One 2018 study of 832 first-time mothers showed that 43% of women experienced a lack of vaginal lubrication at six months postpartum and nearly 38% reported painful sex after childbirth as a result. While drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can help with extremely dry skin after giving birth, moisturizers also help with dryness and discomfort. Just as you use a moisturizer for dry skin on your face, hands or body, you can help replenish postpartum vaginal dryness by using a long-lasting vaginal moisturizer made for down there. The Replens brand has options for internal and external use to help with everyday vaginal dryness or make intimacy more enjoyable.

Internal Dryness Down There After Childbirth

If you’re experiencing internal dryness after giving birth, Replens makes a Long-Lasting Vaginal Moisturizer to help hydrate your vaginal cells. Available in pre-filled single-use applicators or a reusable applicator and tube, one application of Replens Long-Lasting Vaginal Moisturizer provides continuous relief from postpartum dryness for up to three days and helps your vaginal tissue feel rejuvenated and hydrated.

Replens Long-Lasting Vaginal Moisturizer continues to moisturize for up to three days, allowing the dry cells to absorb the moisture. As the cells regenerate, dead cells are cleared leaving healthier, more supple vaginal tissues.

Replenishing your vaginal moisture can help improve postpartum dryness. Replens Long-Lasting Vaginal Moisturizer is clinically tested, doctor-recommended, and free of hormones or fragrance. Use a couple times a week to help maintain vaginal lubrication for continuous comfort. With Replens Long-Lasting Moisturizer, you can be spontaneous in the bedroom again!

Extremely Dry Skin & Postpartum Vulvar Discomfort

For many women, the same hormonal changes after childbirth that cause internal vaginal dryness also contribute to external discomfort. The postpartum drop in estrogen can cause extremely dry skin anywhere on your body, including your vulva.

Replens External Comfort Gel helps soothe external vaginal dryness with a vitamin-enriched formula which helps to reduce water loss and create a protective barrier on the skin’s surface to help lock in moisture. The hormone-free, fragrance-free gel can be used daily to provide comfort and alleviate irritation of the outside skin surrounding the vagina.

This quick-drying, no-mess gel can help make everyday activities such as prolonged sitting, walking, bike-riding, and exercise more comfortable.

Vaginal Lubrication for Sex and Masturbation after Pregnancy

If you’re feeling a little dry down there and worried about your comfort and pleasure during sex after childbirth, try Replens Silky Smooth Personal Lubricant. Replens Silky Smooth Personal Lubricant is intended to moisturize and lubricate to enhance the ease and comfort of intimate sexual activity and supplement to the body’s natural lubrication.

Replens Silky Smooth Personal Lubricant is a preservative-free, silicone lubricant that moisturizes, lubricates and leaves skin feeling soft and smooth. It lasts longer than water-based lubricants and is thin but extremely slippery, so you only need a small amount to enhance postpartum sex or masturbation.

If you’re already using Replens Long-Lasting Vaginal Moisturizer to help replenish internal vaginal moisture, you can add Replens Silky Smooth Personal Lubricant as needed to enhance comfort during sexual activity after pregnancy.

Postpartum Dryness and Breastfeeding Your Baby

Breastfeeding your baby can further decrease your estrogen levels and increase vaginal dryness. Some women experience a lack of vaginal lubrication the entire time they are nursing, which can be annoying and even painful.

Replens Long-Lasting Vaginal Moisturizer is an over-the-counter vaginal moisturizer that doctors recommend for increasing your vaginal moisture without adding hormones that might affect your milk supply. If you’re breastfeeding now or plan to nurse for an extended period of time, use Replens Long-Lasting Vaginal Moisturizer twice per week to fight a lack of vaginal lubrication around-the-clock, not just during intimate sexual activity.

You’re Not Alone with Postpartum Vaginal Dryness or Discomfort

If postpartum dryness is causing you discomfort or taking the pleasure out of sex and masturbation after childbirth, you don’t have to suffer.

The Replens brand has three formulas to help relieve postpartum dry skin down there: an external gel, internal moisturizer, and a silky smooth lubricant, depending on where and when you need relief. They can also be used in combination as needed.

Now you know one more thing about pregnancy and giving birth. Use Replens Vaginal Moisturizer, Gel, or Personal Lubricant to help relieve postpartum dryness and enjoy sex after your baby’s birth.

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